Monday, August 9, 2010

Honesty, Openness, Acceptance

At some point in my adult life I realized these qualities were somewhat lacking within my family as I grew up. Because of this- other issues resulted. There were many reasons for this lacking, struggles within my parent’s family, their lack of a relationship with the One who is most open and accepting, their fears that kept them from seeking help to learn and grow, etc. It all boils down to the ultimate problem-sin. Adam and Eve both made choices that brought sin into the world from the beginning.

So, the good news for me, I’m happy to report: the Lord- the Lord is amazing in His openness, honesty, and acceptance. He is open. As the ultimate communicator, He communicated with us His plan (from before creation to the final ending), His person (Father, Lover, Healer, Provider, King, Counselor, Consuming Fire…), His abilities (creating, sustaining, healing, cleansing, teaching, correcting...), His character (kind, gentle, loving, powerful, holy, mighty, sovereign…), everything- EVERYTHING! He lets us know HIM. He is open with us. He is honest (sometimes painfully so) - Jesus (who is God) is the Truth… (John 14:6)- and God is not a man that He should lie (Numbers 23:19). I’m so thankful He is honest! He is accepting or approachable. When we acknowledge He alone is God and that we have blown it (one time/many times) and need to be made right from our wrongs, and believe Jesus is the only way. We put our trust in Him, we love Him, obeying His commands. He accepts us as we approach His throne of grace. We can freely ask questions, share our fears, and ask for help. David expressed himself- anger, sadness, fear, etc. Abraham talked to God and even kept asking for God to change His stipulations regarding Sodom and Gomorrah. The Lord accepted them- even though He knows they have their own imperfections (and they did have imperfections for sure). Then, Jesus accepted the Samaritan woman (John 4) and initiated a conversation with her. He accepted her where she was (so that He engaged in a conversation and did not ignore her) and did not leave her there. He accepted Mary who poured perfume on Jesus when she repented- and defended her. He didn't leave her there but forgave her (Luke 7:36-48).

Thankfully, although I may not have experienced the openness, honesty, and acceptance within my family, I have hope because my God, God almighty, all powerful, who made me, is open and honest with me. He warmly welcomes me to be open and honest with Him about my feelings, fears, questions, etc. By doing this, I show He is trustworthy to handle them and will not ignore me or mock me. Trusting fully isn’t always easy to do when you didn’t learn this from family. BUT, He IS trustworthy, personable and gentle, mighty and powerful at the same time. I hope you trust Him fully with all of you.

Gina Linden
Birthmother Counselor

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