Wednesday, May 16, 2012

How Deep the Father's Love

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How deep the Fathers love for us

How vast beyond all measure

That he should give his only son

To make a wretch his treasure.

I love the words of this song and how they remind me of my place before God. To know that the God of the universe sees me as his treasure and asks for me to call him Father. How invigorating to know of his love for me.

As a father myself it goes without saying I love my children. The love I have for them is unconditional. When I explain it to them and they ask why, I simply say " just cause." I love them just because they are my child.

Being a father it means I not only get to love my children but to lead my children. To lead them down the right paths to get them to want what they need. So to it is with God, he is our father giving us his Word to guide us and lead us. Showing us the most excellent path.

When I think of adoption I think of it as God's invitation to join an amazing journey, one that will challenge and teach us. One that will remind us of his endless pursuit of our lives, and the unspeakable joy of acceptance into his family.

To those considering adoption, will you accept the invitation? The God of all love who has adopted you wants you to follow him down this same path, mimicking his very actions.

For those who are adopting, take heart you have a heavenly father who understands the struggle, the countless hours of wanting your child to be home. The depths of a journey filled with many hurdles. He too has walked the path and he is excited you are following his example as well.

To those who have adopted, be reminded of your heavenly fathers love for you. Just as you have accepted your child and love him/her so to God has accepted you making you a co-heir with Christ.  You are his beloved sharing his name and his inheritance.

How great the Father's love for us, how vast beyond all measure.

Geoffrey Ketcham, Manager or International Services

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