Monday, April 16, 2012

Galatians 6:2

I have been on Lifeline’s administrative team for a little over a month now. Coming from a secular job where I taught 4 year olds to working as an administrative assistant at a Christian organization has been quite an exciting change for me! I can not even begin to express how I felt the first time I heard that Lifeline started out their mornings with Bible study and prayer. What an amazing thing it is to study God’s word together and pray for one another! This reminds me of Galatians 6:2 where Paul says to “bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.”
 To be completely honest, the first time that we prayed together and I heard the many burdens of the people around me I felt overwhelmed. I thought “There is so much need here, I can not bear this much!” But the Lord is faithful and through this time He was (and still is) teaching me that I am not to carry these burdens on my own. This is a reason why God has given us Christian brothers and sisters, to help lift us up in prayer. The Body of Christ is made to be the people of God who live in love, unity, compassion, and openness with one another. I believe that Lifeline strives to do these things. I consider myself extremely blessed to be able to bear the burdens of my brothers and sisters in corporate prayer on a daily basis.
Alyxis McLain, Administrative Assistant

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