Tuesday, December 13, 2011


“Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of

the eternal life to which you were called when

you made your good confession in the presence

of many witnesses.” 1 Timothy 6:12

Lately this charge to fight has been impressed upon my heart in a variety of ways. I have been challenged to spend my time and resources in a way that makes an investment in the eternal fight. This is a daily battle that I desire to always fight well. For the adoptive parents that I work with, this work takes on an entirely different level of meaning.

When he recently spoke at Lifeline’s annual banquet, Dr. David Platt said something that really resonated with me in regard to our adoptive families. In explaining the similarities in adoption and the gospel, Dr. Platt made a simple statement: “One does not adopt accidentally”. He went on to discuss the tedious and trying journey that all adoptive families walk in pursuit of their children. Immediately I recalled Jeremiah 29:13- “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all of your heart”. While written in reference to our relationship with our Redeemer, it is also extremely appropriate in the context of the adoption journey. This is the epitome of a fight. The fight that I see on a daily basis from adoptive moms and dads is an intense fight that amazes me. And I find myself challenged to emulate this same intensity in my own pursuit of my Savior. Just as one does not adopt accidentally, I cannot enjoy an intimate relationship with the lover of my soul without intentional pursuit. He promises that I will seek Him and find Him when I seek Him with all of my heart.

As I daily engage in this fight alongside adoptive moms and dads, I must constantly remind myself that the Father’s love and pursuit of His children far exceeds that of me or even their earthly parents. He is the one who calls us to fight, it is His passion that is placed within us for which to fight, and it is His power within us that enables us to fight. While we desire to fight the good fight to which we have been called, we would be amiss if we failed to remember an additional promise from His Word:

“Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will

see the deliverance the LORD will bring

you today. The LORD will fight for you; you

need only to be still.” Exodus 14:14

He will fight for us! That is amazing! He calls us to fight- to be faithful, determined, and diligent. He wants us to work with all our hearts to toward the calling that He has given us, but it is He who fights in and through us. When we come to the end of ourselves, it is He who continues to battle and be the warrior on our behalf. He fought for us on the cross- He battles for us at the right hand of the Father- and He fights for us in this. As I marvel at the intensity at which a parent fights for his child, and as I desire to pursue the Lord with all of my heart, I realize that this is but a fraction of the love and intensity with which He has and continues to pursue me!

To the adoptive parent, we are battling with you. I pray that you would know this truth: that the Father is the love, care, comfort, and protection that your child needs. As your child waits for you, He is there. I pray that He will be all these things to you in this interim period as well. God’s promises are true. He will put you in the cleft in the rock and cover you with his hand. He will hide you in the shadow of His wings. He will sing over you. The Lord your God is with you. He is the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you. You can take rest in His love. He will sing and be joyful over you.

To anyone else, I urge you to consider how you might be called to join this fight. Is it as a prayer warrior for those in the adoption process? Is it to step up and advocate for the fatherless? Is it to adopt? Whatever it may be, I encourage you to gird yourself with His truth and step out in full faith as you engage in this battle for that which is eternal- live the life worthy to calling to which you have been called.

Mallory Blackmon
International Social Worker

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Defending our kids from damage is our liability and responsibility as mother and father. But the sad truth is that, we can not be with our kids 24/7. It is sometimes during these in-betweens when damage befalls our kids. One such situation is violence.
street fights.